New CEO of Umoe Mandal
Umoe Mandal’s board of directors announces that Tom Fidjeland has accepted to be Umoe Mandals new CEO.
We are pleased to announce that Tom Fidjeland has accepted the offer to become the new CEO of Umoe Mandal. He will assume the position during Q4 2024, and until then, Anders Nybø will continue to lead Umoe Mandal with full mandate and energy.
Tom is a highly experienced leader with over 20 years of experience as a top executive and an additional 10 years before that as a leader of technical/professional environments. He has led teams of up to 2500 people and brings with him impressive competence and experience from large projects for international customers, as well as a broad network.
He has a solid technical background with education from the Institute of Technical Cybernetics (NTH) and further education from Harvard Business School (Advanced Management Program AMP). Throughout his career, Tom has lived and worked both nationally and internationally, including in Houston.
Tom has been engaged in several boards, including at the University of Agder, and has recently become the chairman of the Institute of Technology and Natural Sciences at the same university. He is curious by nature and very interested in technology and digital transformation. We experience Tom as a unifying leader who is keen to create enthusiasm and drive.
We warmly welcome Tom to Umoe Mandal!